"My Randy Fisher Divorce Mediator was professional and understanding to my needs. I would recommend them to any one of my friends who are going through the divorce process."

Divorcee. Col. Ohio


Tips for Divorcing Parents  

From "Listen to the Children" Video by Victor/Harder Productions

  • Don't discuss child support issues with the children
  • Don't speak negatively about the other parent
  • Don't put the children in the position of having to take sides
  • Don't use the children to hurt the other parent
  • Tell the children about the divorce together if at all possible
  • Answer the children's questions honesty avoiding unnecessary details
  • Reassure the children that they are not to blame for the divorce
  • Tell the children they will be taken care of
  • Include the other parent in school and other activities
  • Encourage the relationship between the child and the other parent
  • Be consistent and be on time to pick up and return the child
  • Develop a workable parenting plan that gives the children access to both parents
  • Guard against canceling plans with the children
  • Establish two homes for the children with two fully involved parents
  • Give the children permission to have a loving, satisfying relationship with the other parent