"My Randy Fisher Divorce Mediator was professional and understanding to my needs. I would recommend them to any one of my friends who are going through the divorce process."

Divorcee. Col. Ohio

Why Choose Mediation?


Mediation is a collaborative process where a neutral third party, the mediator, acts to encourage and facilitate communication between two or more parties in order to negotiate an agreement that is acceptable to all parties. Mediation provides a more timely way of resolving disputes. When parties want to get on with their lives, mediation may be a desirable means of producing prompt and gratifying results in a very cost effective way.


Mediation will almost always save certain attorney fees, court costs and other expenses that are normally incurred in long and oftentimes bitter court proceedings. This may be true even if only some of the issues are resolved in mediation. Parties can avoid hostility and harsh feelings that accompany most court hearings as they work in collaboration with the mediator. Even when one party believes mediation will not work, they often find that after participating in mediation what were areas in conflict were actually communication barriers and agreements are reached.


If the issues involve children, the benefits are even greater. Mediation may avoid long and costly trials over parental rights and responsibilities, parenting time, schooling, or other issues that would cause ongoing conflict and emotional duress on both parents and children. He may also negate the need and expense for the court to appoint a Guardian ad litum (GAL) for your child or children.The benefits of mediation are realized when parents want to maintain open communication in order to continue successfully parenting and raising emotionally healthy and well-adjusted children.


Mediation is:


Confidential - Mediation is confidential to the extent you and the mediator decide what may be shared with others. Only the final agreement will be given to the court and/or attorneys if requested by the parties.


Informed - The mediation process offers an opportunity to obtain legal and other expert information and advice as necessary. The parties always hold the decision-making power.


Impartial and Safe - Our responsibility is to assist each party and not favor the interests of any one party over another. Our mediators ensure that parties reach agreements in a voluntarily and informed manner and not as a result of coercion or intimidation.


Satisfying with Greater Control - Research tells us that the likelihood of compliance and satisfaction from all parties are found to be dramatically higher if you choose mediation as both parties have input and collaborate to create a soulution. In mediation you, and not other people who do not know or care about your situation like you do, have control over the outcome of the dispute.


Collaborative - You are encouraged to work together and we help you solve your problems in a cooperative manner.


Voluntary - You can leave at any time for any reason and no one will force you to agree.